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Indiens Problem mit den Mädchen -
Put a Rocket in your Pocket, Girl ! -
A Circumcision is better than too many Circumstances !

Eine unserer Jung-Redakteurinnen aus dem Resort Hygiene, Männer & die üblichen Probleme, live aus Indien wrote:

"Wintertime in India is strange, weather changing all the time, climate change ongoing also here - and I have problems with the dust here at the moment, my coconut-shack is nice and fair-prize,
but too much dust, I start coughing when I want to fall asleep
and I already have a Herpes blister bc of
unwashed glasses somewhere in Arambol, Goa.
Many young Men in India have Papillomviruses or Condylomata-Viruses  and as in Europe small boys go through that, here they still have it when they are older than 30 years old.
Zu deutsch: Bei Condylomata acuminata – auch unter dem Begriff Feigwarzen, Feuchtwarzen und Genitalwarzen bekannte Warzen – handelt es sich um eine Viruserkrankung. Sie sind neben Herpes und Chlamydiose eine der häufigsten sexuell übertragbaren Erkrankungen.
This fact is remarkable, as those men never have sex or almost never, so how do they get this Virus ? - Please, ask yourself where is all the Shit coming from, probably its the missing soap, well education and fresh clean water.

I can not change my plane ticket as British Airlines are not fair, so I have to stay until March -
I try to find a calmer, good place, here it’s too much for me -
too much noise in the night, loud techno-beats sometimes all night and morning long, and a lack of privacy. Russian Tourists drink a lot, shout all night, the local Indians are afraid of them, but they want their Money. Some Indians would even sell their mothers for 50€.
I am used to houses with really thick walls to not hear so much of that all.

Another problem as everywhere else here also is: Plastics!
They burn it, it’s everywhere in the Nature & it definitely shall be totally FORBIDDEN ALL OVER THE WORLD -
there is a lack of Politicans caring for this Issue seriously, at least the Princesses of Morocco and Thailand do!

Another thing is:
My Lover here is very jealous, and also I was crying already a lot bc
it hurts so much how he behaves with me.
Our plans, that we stay close and maybe travel together when he finished his work here after this season, will not work probably bc he is full of pain and old stories, his language is hard and I am not sure
anymore, if any woman from Europe or the „West" could hold him for longer than a few weeks, Hindus are Hindus - even when they are liberal raised or Jain - not sure, if Jain people are easy to handle at all or ever will.
My Lover is paranoid, doesn’t trust anyone, screws all the information into strange stories against me sometimes - versions that are not true, when I want to inform him about the truth, he doesn’t want to listen and gets totally upset - he is too aggressive for my taste.
I think, that the police who tortured him is acting not conform to European and International Human Rights Standards as they kept him for 1 or 2 weeks and tortured him as a son of an Indian politician molested and harassed my Lover’s former girlfriend so hard that she started crying, so my Lover smashed a bottle on the Molester’s head - as this Molester now has a big scar on his Head the case went to court and before the trial could start the police kept my Lover for torture.
If Indian politicians pay for torture, the Indian police does it - no questions.
My Lover says, that he would do it all again.
It was worth that scar of the brutal nasty Molester.
I don’t know, what Hindu-Jain boys learn from their parents when they are small, but somehow I like them, integrity is a big thing in Jains traditions.
Unfortunately, the beach here and everywhere here is full of stalkers and men that are molesting and can’t provide normal respect and privacy,
I cant waste energy on that anymore.

So I wrote an email to my Ex-Lover:

I managed to pay for 3 plane tickets during the last 3 months plus
travel from Swiss to Austria,
a new Screen for the Laptop in November,
I repaired my Car before I left to India in Autumn and made
all the technical checks -
rent for my girlfriend’s place plus work for them in the woods &
caring for their oldest daughter and her homework & piano lessons,
and so on.
Its not true what u say,
that my plans don’t work, and money is never a problem.

The important decisions are never based on money issues.
I am not sorry, that we can not be together,
you just hurt me too much and I am not a masochist or sadist.
Never forget, but always forgive.
Sharing is Caring, as long as you will not practice that, we can not be together.

Another thing is:
One of my traveling girlfriends (she is from Johannesburg, Africa) nearly got raped in Kashmir, but I told her, when she wrote me that, that next time she might better wear a Blue Burka and a Gun - she did not really understand.
I also know, that still Baby-Girls get poisoned here with milk and barbiturates to kill them in India and it happens all the time that girls get raped and killed in horrible brutal manners during Gang Bangs.
Why? Because young men are not allowed to kiss girls without marrying them - Indian Girls still don’t go out at Night, they are supposed to focus on marriage and many of them never can experience freedom, love, choice of free love, traveling the World, founding a company of their own, etc. -
but sure, some bad girls always manage to do what they really want.
But also the rich girls sometimes just do not want to do any work and when they are put into their rich parents businesses, they hang around, but do not pay respect or real attention to the workers and management-duties as they are more interested in fucking married men.
Well, Shit happens everywhere.
I learned a Mantra here in India,
I use it every Day:
increase, breathe
let the shit go
let the whole thing blow.
India, you are the papilloma I never had on my ass -
and I still don’t want you back.

Manche Fragen stelle ich mir immer noch fast:
1. What happens, if you put a witch into a sauna ?
2. Why do Muslims women wear s/carves when they are laughing-telling  about their husband’s death ?
3. What is the meaning of    f c u k    ?!

Oh India, I put you on my Shitlist, and this is an Index for you: 

    •    1 Vorkommen
    •    2 Erreger
    ◦          2.1 Die Rolle des Immunsystems
    •    3 Warzentypen
    ◦          3.1 Vulgäre Warzen (Stachelwarzen)
    ◦          3.2 Fußsohlenwarzen
    ◦          3.3 Feigwarzen
    ◦          3.4 Dellwarzen
    ◦          3.5 Flachwarzen
    ◦          3.6 Pinselwarzen
    ◦          3.7 Alterswarzen
    •    4 Behandlung
    ◦          4.1 Chirurgische Entfernung
    ◦          4.2 Kryotherapie (Vereisung)
    ◦          4.3 Kauterisation
    ◦          4.4 Zytostatika
    ◦          4.5 Virustatica
    ◦          4.6 Stimulation des Immunsystems
    ◦          4.7 Hausmittel
    •    5 Vorbeugung
    •    6 Einzelnachweise
    •    7 Weblinks

Yours, K. - Bye bye !"

Antwort der Redaktion:
Liebe K., Mühsame,
ich brauch eine Rechnung ohne Rupien. Und mit dem Passus „brutto für netto“ (statt brutto = netto).
Schick einfach das Dokument per Computer. Die Unterschrift braucht es nämlich nicht.
Ich weiß, das kommt Dir alles seltsam vor. Mir auch.
Schöne Grüße, die Redaktion  
Ps. Wer das liest, was du da schreibst, weiß ich nicht.  Eher Fachleute, keine Studenten.

What happened before K. went to India ?
"person er ist, denke ich, also B L U T und meine permanente übelkeit, steigert sich und schwindel. muss ich mich übergeben? diese übelkeit, mein gleichgewichtsorgan, kaputter kompass. in mir ein pulsierendes ding, das meine blutbahn schwemmt, das es mir umöglich macht, zu essen, zu rauchen und in jeder kurve, die die strassenbahn mit ratternder arglosigkeit nimmt, denke ich  
V O M I T T I N G. ich bin krank, ich bin infected, es infiltriert meinen hormonhaushalt, ich bin krank. B L U T ist krank. mir ist so schlecht.
es muss raus, mein tunnelblick fährt herum, ich wanke in den innenhof des hauses. schnell rauf, wo ist dieser scheiss eingang, der fundamentalchrist brabbelt beschwörend geheimformeln, die hinter mir im hof widerhallen, ein keuchendes tier, ich nehme die treppen im eilschritt.
oben: auf einen streifen pinkeln, ein paar randnotizen, das protokoll, die gebrauchsanweisung, unterschrift, bezahlen, die blonde hat mir ihre kreditkarte geliehen, gute frau, denk ich.
danke schwester, erkläre ich, also B L U T  der beraterin, alles bestens, raus mit dem zellbrocken. ultraschall? warten. ab in den warteraum, noch einmal und noch einmal, was für ein scheiss service, denk ich, ein schwarz-weiss foto, können wir etwas schneller machen oder wollen sie mich zu was überreden hier?"

Reiseempfehlung der Redaktion

It is probably the last place where a coffee needs a lot of time and is not available „on the go“ and women still are treated like ladies whilst monks are passing by riding their bicycles, men who visited Paris long time ago wearing umbrellas and pretty garments. Oh Hanoi !

NEXT jungle news ?


Quelle: Foto Copyright © 2004 Ananova Ltd

[Kolumne/Sahra Gabriele Foetschl/15.02.2016]

    Kolumne/Sahra Gabriele Foetschl


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